I’ve drawn a lot of inspiration from Tolkien’s poem, Sam’s Song In The Orc Tower, for this one of mine. Though it is not included in the movie Return Of The King, The Tolkien Ensemble beautifully performs the poem to music. Is awe-inspiring, to say the least

The Last Star

My fathers stole the stars, and left the sky Pitch dark and empty. They spread haze to snuff Out holy light. And heaven feels so cold.

But in defiance, I lift up my eye, And hold in view one little star above. Gone. All gone. Save this one star I hold.

When those who stabbed the heavens turn to dust, And lie entombed beneath a sunless sky, The children may see what I had and loved.

Look up. The sky is neither cold nor dark. I see it still—that holy spark— The last bright star on high.